Eastern Promise

An interesting redstart was found a few days ago in Viiki. I had attempted to see it previously, but this bird is only being seen leaving roost early in the morning or returning in late evening, often being twitched under streetlights.

I didn't fancy seeing it like that, and today was the only day I was able to go late afternoon and coinciding with good weather.

I showed up around 3 p.m and after half an hour wait it showed well to the masses, approaching the waiting birders to within 5 meters.

Low light levels meant any digiscoping was of generally poor quality...well...worse than I usually produce anyway.

Seeing this cracking little chat reminded me of re-locating the Tacumshin Bluethroat, many years ago, and forcing birders to wade across the forgotten corner at speed before dusk fell.

Eastern Black Redstart - I don't think my shots will be solving any wing formula equations. The Finns seem pretty happy with it. I'll be sure to do some reading up on it soon, but I'm equally sure a Finnish ringing squad will be down before too long to nail it regardless.

I had Kuura and another four legged guest, Simo, with me, so we went into the dog park a few meters up from the bird. It was here I had...well... I'm putting it down as a semi-tick, as a Tengmalms Owl called and flew past the street lights in the park. Not exactly how I wanted to see my first one, and I won't be happy fully until I see one perched in daylight, but a great way to end the year....unless I get out tomorrow.

As we were leaving, birders were still present, seeking the bird under the streetlights, torches in hand, making me all the happier to have nabbed 15 minutes of dusk with it. A beautiful evening with a beautiful bird.


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