Crimbo Run Up

Like many, I imagine, the weekend before Christmas was devoted mainly to preparations for next weekend, however I did manage to nab a few hours birding on Sunday.

I opted for a nearby Hawk Owl, just up the road. I had tried for this bird before with no success, but this time I had the assistance of a gang of cranky Jay's, giving the birds presence away in a line of spruce. 

Those eyes!

Hawk Owl - Best Bird in the Universe

A juv. male Goshawk did a fly by also, and a distant Great Grey Shrike was on the other side of the fields.

On the way back I stumbled across a garden with feeders, and was surprised to find a flock of some 20 Brambling here, as well as a few Chaffinch. The, so far, mild winter has allowed these species to overwinter in more appreciable numbers than most years. Brambling are always a joy to watch. 


  1. An enjoyable blog post and lovely shots. Thank you for sharing with us 🙂


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