2017 - The Year In Review

2017 was a great year, chocabloc full of highlights, almost too many to detail, but will go through a few anyway.


Under our written contract I must, of course, point out that marrying the most beautiful woman in the world was, naturally the biggest highlight of the year. We even managed some birding whilst doing so.

A few self found rarities

We managed to find a few good birds during the year, including a county first Red Crested Pochard, a county second Woodchat Shrike, and a spring Red Footed Falcon.

A dream bird 

The convenient choice of Hamburg as my brother's stag venue, meant connection with Black Browed Albatross, a life long dream bird.

Costa Rica

Our honeymoon choice of Costa Rica meant we encountered hundreds of new lifers, but I was particularly taken with the Toucans and Hummingbirds.

Resplendent Quetzal

Fiery Billed Aracari

Chestnut Mandibled Toucan

Emerald Toucanet

Black Crested Coquette


Fiery Throated Hummingbird

And so we look forward to 2018 with the hope that once again things go as well as they have in 2017.

Happy New Year to all!


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