2017 - The Year In Review

2017 was a great year, chocabloc full of highlights, almost too many to detail, but will go through a few anyway. Wedding Under our written contract I must, of course, point out that marrying the most beautiful woman in the world was, naturally the biggest highlight of the year. We even managed some birding whilst doing so. A few self found rarities We managed to find a few good birds during the year, including a county first Red Crested Pochard, a county second Woodchat Shrike, and a spring Red Footed Falcon. A dream bird The convenient choice of Hamburg as my brother's stag venue, meant connection with Black Browed Albatross, a life long dream bird. Costa Rica Our honeymoon choice of Costa Rica meant we encountered hundreds of new lifers, but I was particularly taken with the Toucans and Hummingbirds. Resplendent Quetzal Fiery Billed Aracari Chestnut Mandibled Toucan Emer...