Finnish Focus on....Nutcracker

Eurasian Nutcracker. Cracking birds!
Shamless pun, which I promise will be the last, because I have integrity.

Nutcracker was a species I encountered on my first ever winter visit to Finland, and I've loved them ever since.

They are a bird which, more than being just attractive (which I think we can agree, they are), have amazing character.

A large wintering flock spends it's time in mixed hazel and conifer woods, with a feeder, near our cabin in Lohja. I often take the time in winter to spend an hour or so watching them at close range from the car. As long as the temperature will allow me to really.

Vocally, nutcracker is astounding. Their standard call, a strange, nasal mix between Jay and Corncrake is delightful, but on top of this you get a huge variety of contact and communicative calls, and the hierarchy system at the feeder is a good place to listen to these.

Nutcracker - cracks your nuts

This species would cause absolute mayhem if it turned up in Ireland, with good reason. My bet is on Howth head, one of those nice mature gardens.

Utterly adorable birds.

How can it be, that a species with essentially a very simplistic plumage, can be so captivating?


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