Tarastenjärvi Cach 2 - The Return

My weekend has started out pretty well I have to say.

Yesterday produced two decent birds whilst walking Kuura, a Greenish Warbler calling away near our house on the mid-day dog walk, followed by a calling Yellow-Browed Warbler on the evening dog walk near the In-law's house in Espoo.

Always great to hear that first spee-oo-eeet of the autumn!

We then made our way up to Hämeenkyrö for our last long weekend of the year at the northern mökki (getting cold after all).

I was looking forward to nipping down to Tarastenjärvi, as I have never visited so late in the season before.

It's a big change, it has to be said.

Most obviously, the demographics have changed. The majority of gulls are now adult or sub-adult Herring Gulls.

Baltic Gulls are down to just a few stragglers with just 3-5 seen.

The birds were also more spread out, with many roosting at various sites on the hill, many others feeding on a huge trash pile at the back of the dump and relatively few feeding at the trash bins at the front (where it's usually easiest to work from).

Having to drive between all these ate up a fair bit of time, but on a pass by the "traditional" hillside roost I picked up a distinctive looking head right at the very top of the flock.

Bingo - Caspian Gull. A big male by the look of him...and.. familiar looking... could it be the same bird from a month back ?

Indeed it was! Note the distinct "i" mark on that inner greater covert. He's now distinctly more advanced on the mantle and scaps though (which are rather nice looking it has to be said).

This flock was then moved on by a local Goshawk.

Goshawk - The Havoc Bringer. Despite the difficulty they bring to watching gulls here, I just can't stay mad at them.

Despite an intensive search I didn't manage to find the Casp again (though with the birds difficult today, it's likely still there, considering it's stayed a month already).

The few Baltics that were present were not so tame as they tend to be in August, but then with that Gos it's wise to be wary.

Baltic Gull - all birds seen today fit into the dark and cold category

Baltic Gulls - immaculate bird on left, slightly tatty one right.

Baltic Gull - clean and crisp. Solid greater coverts, thumbnail tertials, dinky bill. Cold as steel.

Baltic Gulls - Some tail patterns as a candidate in Ireland is under discussion.

As always, there were some slightly interesting birds.

This one could make you look twice.

And this guy never budged for me.

I did give some likely looking patches of cover a good bash, but surprisingly quiet on the passerine front.

I guess that's it for Tarastenjärvi for another year. Until next spring!


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