Finding A First

The days are getting colder. A noticeable chill in the wind at the weekend heralds the need to change from baseball cap to wool hat.

The birds must have sensed it too, with noticeable movements of things like Brambling, and my first Rough-Legged Buzzard of the autumn.

Some time at Saltfjarden produced more excellent views of the tame Red-Backed Shrike, as well as a few other individuals now present.

The patterns when seen up close are spectacular.

Evidence of a murderous nature here.

Sunday was fairly quiet on the raptor front, with just a Merlin and a Hen Harrier, along with this Goshawk to show for my trouble at Saltfjarden.

Goshawk - fabulous shape and structure.

Goshawk - juv. Comparison with raven.

Today I made for Lohja dump in the evening. Straight away on arrival at the trash pile I picked up this distinctive looking bird.

It set off alarm bells instantly for a 2nd cal Caspian. Obvious bill and head structure, dark greater coverts, tipped tertials and plain grey scapulars coming through. 
A garbage truck then came racing down to the compound.

White rump/upper tail, white underwing, perfect tail band with basal markings, and a small mirror on the still growing p10. 2nd Cal Autumn Caspian Gull.

That was then that. The bird was gone. In total I had it for less than two minutes. Not being as familiar with this age, and having watched it so briefly, I ran it by some local gullers. They agreed with me, so happy days.

I've been keeping my eyes open for this age of Casp for a while now, but this is the first I've found here, so well pleased with this. 

From Lohja I made my way south checking out Harrier sites. Lots of Hen Harrier of various ages and sexes, a couple of Merlin and a single Rough-Legged Buzzard were the best on offer.

Edit: 25/12/2020

This same Caspian Gull seems to have stayed in the country. Seeing images of a late 2nd CY Caspian at Lahti dump I realized that it is the same bird as was at Lohja here in September. 3 months and 130+ km apart. Note the patterns on P7+6 and P4+3.


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