Tenerife - 2015
As part of my hard drive salvage a while back, had been meaning to post some shots of a Canaries trip in 2015. Superb birding in a beautiful setting.
Cory's Shearwaters - the baseline shearwater in the Canaries. Great birds though, and passing under a colony just before dawn, seeing and hearing them batting around above us and in front of headlights was a privilege.
Berthelots pipit
Southern Grey Shrike
Canary Islands Chiffchaff - that longer, slightly decurved bill, with it's downward hooked upper mandible tip, struck me as distinct from other chiffs.
Pino Gordo - the biggest tree in Europe
Canary Islands Chiffchaff
Flying Fish
The view from Punta de Teno
Berthelots Pipits
Canary Islands Chaffinch
El Teide
Blue Chaffinch
Cory's Shearwater - the only seabird species we managed to photograph, though we did encounter, Little Shearwaters, Great Shearwater, Fea's Petrel, Madeiran Petrel and White Faced Petrel.
Blue Chaffinch
Canary Islands Blue Tit
Blue Chaffinch
Cory's Shearwater
Canary Islands Chaffinch
Blue Chaffinch
Blue Chaffinch - the restaurant on the northern road out of El teide crater had good feeders, and was a far more amenable place to view Blue Chaffinch and Canary than the natural habitat.
So many Cory's
Plain Swift
Bolles Pigeon - the cloud forest which held these pigeons was a spectacular setting, if a little light on bird species. Finding these pigeons was a challenge.
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