Building and Exploring

I haven't been birding too far of late. I've generally been exploring the various back roads near the house, searching for productive feeders and, of course, building up the new garden list.

During the week we added singing Pygmy Owl to the garden list, and this guy is now heard most mornings just 100 meters across the lake. After we recorded the bird online, we were contacted by another birder who had, amazingly, lived in our place during the 00s, providing us with a list of goodies to keep an eye and ear out for, including Eagle Owl on the other side of the lake.

I also managed to add both Rough Legged Buzzard and displaying Goshawk to the list, starting off the raptors well.

Today, the garden was graced by this lovely lady. 

Grey Headed Woodpecker - Female

I adore Grey Headed Woodpeckers. That lime green colour is stunning, providing welcome colour in Winter, and their charming whistling really feels exotic to an Irish birder. They have an amazingly harsh expression to them. This particular female, one of 3 I saw today at various sites, was surprisingly neat, with that grey head looking smooth and even. And that lovely flash of colour on the base of the lower mandible. Prime breeding condition.

Hopefully there's a nest site nearby I can keep tabs on over the summer.

Still can't believe I live somewhere with these in the garden. Cracking birds.


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