Israel 2015

A recent laptop issue prompted a hard drive back up and a trawl through saved photos.
Whilst doing so I was reminded of our enjoyable birding trip to Israel a couple of years ago, so decided to post a selection of images from the two weeks spent there.
We had chosen to go there in October to connect with juvenile eagles on migration, and were not disappointed.

Juvenile Greater Spotted Eagle - a long wanted plumage for me. A dream of a bird. The fields in the hula valley we're superb for various eagles.

This Yellow Browed Warbler in the humes park, Eilat was the first of the autumn in Israel.

In the desert, scenes like this happen. This on Carnsore point would cause a seizure. Possibly of class A drugs. Cream Colored Courser and Desert Wheatear

Juv Montagu's Harrier. 

Black Winged Kite - always stunning

Hooded Wheatears were particularly abundant that autumn, often found out of their typical habitat.

Pallid Harrier - a juvenile male. The Harriers were, of course, a joy, in particular getting to see lots of adult males. 

Always nice to find rarities on foreign trips, we found these 3 White Tailed Plovers at the KM20 pools. One of these would be nice at swords some day.

Crowned Sandgrouse - Sandgrouse are always a treat. Both Crowned and Spotted gave excellent views over the course of the trip.


Little Green Beeeater - what more can you say or want?

Mourning Wheatear

Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse at the KM20 sewage pools were an absolutely brilliant experience. Stunning birds.


Citrine Wagtail - Eilat

Pallid Harrier - female - Was also nice to see more adult type females on this trip.

Smyrna Kingfisher - both this and Pied Kingfisher were abundant on the trip. Cracking birds.

Sand Partridge


Namaqua Dove - cute and common

Levant Sparrowhawk - we managed to jam in on a nice passage of Levants on the first morning of the trip. Superb beasts.

Great Reed Warbler - was nice to observe ringing in Eilat most mornings. 

White Pelicans - monster birds. Hilarious to see guys whose entire job was to drive around fishponds scaring off flocks of these beauties.

Arabian Babbler - inquisitive birds. A delight to watch.

Masked Shrike - someday on Mizen. Mark my words.

Blackstart - dat ass!

Gull Billed Tern - one of my favorite species of tern. Really nice to see juv plumages.

Tristrams's Grackles were common and quite endearing. That orange wing was spectacular.

Statler and Waldorf  - Griffon Vultures


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