The IRBC - Spooftocracy

Decided to start a fresh tracking of the IRBC faileptitude as the previous post was now enormous.

Like those who tracked Trump's golfing or Musk's private jet use...transparency, fact and truth matter. 

And the only place you are going to find it in regards to Europe's most ridiculous excuse for a rarity committee is right here. (Well...apart from that single posting on a closed WhatsApp group from Seamus Feeney...cos ya gotta love Irony right? 🤣)

Where did we leave off? July 2024

It's now August 2024.

So let's look at Ireland's excuse for a rarity recording system.

  • Do they produce monthly provisional lists as per their own system outline? - No
  • Did they sneakily change the wording on their website from "Monthly" to "Regular"? - Yes
  • Do they even produce this regularly? - No
  • Do they update the Irish list after the publication of each Irish Rare Bird Report? - No
  • Are you lucky if that happens once a decade? - Oh dear, No.
  • After announcing that they would make announcements on rare birds on Twitter, do they do so? - No
  • Do they announce membership changes - No
  • Did they ever get a second "Keeper of the provisional list"? - No (and there's a Cringe title btw. 🤣)
  • Do they make announcements on the IRBC website anymore? - No
This Uber-Cringe group is now simply a vehicle for desperate, stringy spoofers and mental cases (scroll down to "Stand on your own feet" here if you want some background on that) to play lord of the manor. 
The faux prestige of saying "I'm on the rarity committee" to a community that pretends it still does anything.

You can see the future of it now. 

We could start a pool on who will get on there in due course and it would be easy to win. You just need to name their desperate wannabe mates. You know, The other lads that string or throw Man-baby tantrums and delete their tweets/evidence.

And so I leave you for now with this.

Because this is still hilarious and always will be. A stalking nutter, who sang their praises for donkey's years, defended them at every turn, left in the void wondering where all the outputs have gone. 🤣

Cringe. A word synonymous with Irish birding.

Update: September 2024

Yet again, no sign of a provisional list from the Spooftocracy IRBC.

Isn't it time everyone stopped pretending there is a functional rare bird recording body in Ireland?

Bit sad all the losers out there saying "all my list is accepted by the IRBC" when this catastrofuck is on full display, run by spoofers who can't ID Herring Gulls, Grey Herons or Reed Warblers. 🤣


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