Where Eagles Dare

Saturday was a washout, but Sunday was a stunning day and was looking prime for raptors.

I made my way out to Kirkkonummi in the hopes of some Golden Eagles. I'm not sure if people have picked up on this reading the blog, but I kinda love raptors. And Golden Eagles are a rather special treat. This time of year the Kirkkonummi area floods with young Goldies, many of which stay the winter.

Kirkkonummi did not disappoint. The sky was full of birds, with geese, Common and Rough Legged Buzzards, White Tailed Eagles and over a dozen Golden Eagles during the day.

I started out at Gunnarsby, the other side of Saltfjarden, and picked up what looked like a Great White Egret in the marsh with the naked eye as I parked up.

I'm not too sure what the story is with this. I could see 7 or 8 birders on Saltfjarden tower, who I can only presume could see this bird, though it is possible that the line of reeds obscured it from their viewpoint. It wasn't on the news services, and the guys on Sundsin later were surprised when I mentioned it, so I can count it as a find I suppose.

Great White Egret

A rather nice Short Eared Owl was also quartering the marsh, always good birds to see down in South Finland. This bird, unlike the forest owls won't linger long, and could even be next stop potatoland. 

A quick scan of the sky here produced several White Tailed Eagles, a couple of Goshawks, Rough Legged Buzzard and 2 1st winter Golden Eagle.

Golden Eagle - Distant 1st winter

I then moved on to Jarso fields where two Rough Legged Buzzards were giving excellent views.

Rough Legged Buzzard - 2nd CY female

From Jarso I moved further south towards Storskanskog where yet more eagles were showing well, including 6 White Tailed and a 2CY Golden Eagle.

Golden Eagle - 2 Calendar Year

Further south again, on Sundsin tower, yet more good numbers of Eagles and Rough Legged Buzzards, with the height provided by this tower allowing an impressive count of 8 Golden Eagle and 15 Rough Legged Buzzard and 6 Goshawk. A distinctly red tailed Buzzard ticked all the boxes for Steppe Buzzard, but most birds were viewing distantly here, so I decided to move back to Saltfjarden. 

The view from Sundsin tower. Autumn colours.

Saltfjarden had yet more Rough Legged buzzards and Eagles. But even more impressive was a late movement of geese, with mixed flocks of Barnacle, Russian Whitefronted and both Taiga and Tundra Bean geese pushing through in the hundreds. 

Rough Legged Buzzard - Male - One of the great things about this time of year is getting opportunities to try and age the various raptors. Most of the birds seen today were older individuals.

Many of the geese landed in to Mattby fields for the night and I had a good, if distant, scan through them in the scant hope of a Red Breasted but a Great Grey Shrike harassing a big flock of Brambling was the best on offer.

Northern Grey Shrike - Always distant, wary hoors

A superb raptor day in beautiful conditions. Hopefully a few of these spend the winter in the area.


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