Both Parachutes

Have spent the past few weeks enjoying various influxes of prime species. 

SE winds brought a huge influx of Red-Footed Falcons to the Nordics, with some 1,825 juveniles alone (not counting other age groups 😯) having been found.

I cashed in several times, first at Laajalahti, where I saw several in a morning, and even found one, before realizing the enormity of the influx, I raced home for a quick one hour watch from my garden, which successfully produced another juvenile! Brilliant result. 

Other goodies included Great White Egret and Honey Buzzards. 

Great White Egrets

I've twitched one or two since, including this bird at nearby Espoonkartano.

Red-Footed Falcon

I also managed to catch a bit of Pallid Harrier movement, with 2 juvs down in Inkoo giving an excellent performance.

Pallid Harrier - Juveniles 

A quick weekend trip up to Hämeenkyrö let me visit Tarastenjarvi dump again. No Caspian gulls unfortunately (my first blank year in quite some time) but lots of Rustic Bunting on the move with some 20 counted, a Great Grey Shrike showing what season we are in, and a few waders visiting the puddles at the back of the dump.

Great Grey Shrike

Little Stint - been quite some time since I've had views of this species this good. Beautiful little thing.

Ruff - a stunning wader when you take the time to appreciate them.

Best of the lot, however, was the appearance of a tame Great Snipe in Helsinki, at Malmi Cemetery. Every now and again, one of these gems shows up at some city location and gives itself up. I have long hoped to connect with one and last week provided that opportunity.

"I should get both parachutes, because I'm Great"

Look at those tertials!

Those underparts, wonderfully ornate.

Great Snipe - I don't think I will manage a better shot than this any time soon.

Those gorgeous wing coverts.

Incredible chunky beast!

Great Snipe - I would frequently have to retreat from the bird as it would walk towards me, filling the frame. 

Great Snipe - Just the phone, no optics.


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