Winter Fare

Out and about this weekend for the first time in a while.

Started out at the in laws on Friday evening, with a juv Goshawk in their garden at dusk as we arrived. 

Goshawk - juv in the gloom

I started out on Saturday morning at Kivenlahti, hoping to get some gulls. Not much in the way of these but another Goshawk, an adult made an appearance.

Goshawk - I've decided to try an grab a few more distant shots of these, as I just find their structure and gizz so distinctive.

No luck with gulls, I made my way to Juusjärvi where a Hawk Owl had been hanging out for a few days.

An easy one to find, in a location I've seen them in previous winters, sitting on the power lines above a productive looking vole field. 

Hawk Owl - The best bird in the universe. Got my winter fix sorted, and just a few minutes from the house. 


I then continued on to Ämmäsuo in search of a couple of Shore Lark which had been present.

Upon arrival I could see the gulls and forbids up in the air, usually a sign of Goshawk activity. A quick scan produced an adult God causing havoc as expected.

I walked up the hill, hoping some of the gulls had settled on the buildings, but of all the myriad of tracks possible to take to get to the top, I took the one the Shore Larks happened to be feeding on and flushed them into the dump itself, landing on the hill inside some 500 meters away.

Luckily, after about 15 minutes of no gulls and some distant Goshawks, the two birds came back in calling and landed right in front of me. 

Shore Larks - "What's your favourite Lark?" Lemon flavor.

Shore Larks - Brilliant little birds

The garden continues to host our Nutcrackers, though changing their behaviour somewhat and becoming less frequent.

Nutcracker - I suspect, now we are into Winter proper, other neighbors have put feeders up and birds are now forming circuits of food sources.

Having initially climbed to a total of 6/7 individuals, we now see 1-3 at a time, most often with what seems to be one bird left, almost it seems on sentry duty, watching the feeders and partaking occasionally, but seeming to keep an eye on the food whilst the rest of the flock explores. 

Coal Tit - enjoying my garden goalies too at the moment. These bright blue and white continental birds are beautifully crisp.

Northern Treecreeper - A couple of these visiting regularly and surprisingly tame. Not as pale as they can be, but still strikingly white and crisp below.

On Sunday we made another quick stop for the Hawk Owl, only to find that the bird had moved on! We managed to fluke and relocate the bird a few kilometers down the road on a roadside telephone wire.

Hawk Owl - that incredible shape, so distinctive in open country

The best bird in the universe for a reason. They are simply spectacular.

Hoping this guy hangs around and stays healthy for the winter, providing lots of viewing opportunities.


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