Love In A Time Of Corona

These are interesting times we live in, and it is in such times that I am very glad we moved out into the countryside a couple of years ago. If you must isolate yourself, it's best to do already surrounded by nature. Our love of nature is playing a huge part in making this whole isolation and contagion thing kind of luxurious to be honest. We saw it coming of course. For me especially I could see things gearing up to sending everyone home to work. For weeks I had been doing extra shopping. Not the mad panic buying of the morons out there with toilet roll and pasta, but I had been building stocks. Dog food for Kuura, frozen vegetables for us. Whatever would reduce visits to the supermarket. And so the order came down. Go home. We're not on such stringent measures as Ireland yet (though the entire capital province is locked down from the rest of Finland) and can still move around a bit. Birding locally as a family is pretty easy and with the time of year...