Dreaming Of A White-Backed Christmas

It's been a pretty good winter for Woodpeckers. As with all things, you see cycles and ups and downs, and whilst nothing along the lines of the mega influx a few years back, where hundreds were recorded in southern Finland, a dozen or more White-Backed Woodpeckers around the capital is nothing to be sniffed at.

There have been two at my old patch of Laajalahti, both of which I've seen over the past few weeks, however these have often been very high up in the old growth trees. 

A couple more present at Laurinlahti were present, closer to home, in a smaller section of woodland with lower trees for guaranteed better viewing, so I spent a bit of time here.

It didn't take me long to connect with this charming female, as she booted a Great Spotted off the feeder and dominated the area for several minutes.

White-Backed Woodpecker - female - My favourite Woodpecker species. A beautiful combination of black, white and a more subdued red than Great Spotted.  

That combination of paler bill, and more open face given by the broader supercilium, open rear to the nape and narrower nape stripe, and less defined moustache and collar which is noticeably jagged, gives a very distinct character to these gems.

Those fine, pencil-streaked underparts.

A longer, finer bill than Great Spotted.

White-Backed Woodpecker - 4K video 

As with any feeder, numerous Great Spotted where also present with a minimum count of 5.

If White-Backed Woodpecker evolved by use of a B-shade pencil and pastels, Great Spotted evolved from ink and paint. No room for subtlety with these, just solid paint by numbers and bold lines.

This "Northern" Treecreeper was putting on a decent show, running around on the deck like a mouse. 

Treecreeper - one of the palest individuals I've seen here.

Continuing the white theme, I was back at Kaffeholmen too, enjoying the big flock of Goosander...and their predators.

Sub-adult White-Tailed Eagle - this bird made a couple of passes at the duck flock, but in a half-hearted manner. 

That monstrous bill. 

Back in the garden another Treecreeper was giving itself up.

The garden Coal Tits were also obliging. Always enjoy these blue and white continental birds.

Coal tit. 

We also took the opportunity of seeing a nearby Nuthatch. These scarce birds are always a treat, again fitting in with the white theme, these northern birds being whiter and cleaner than their southern counterparts.

Nuthatch - "twickt twickt"

All round enjoyable birding. Can't beat the White-Backed Woodpeckers. A Merry Christmas to all!


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