Gullfest 2 - The Gullening

I was back in Tampere dump last week for a bit more early summer gulling.

A few more Heuglini/LBB (or even pale Baltic) types around this time, of the adult variety.

This age group is more problematic when it comes to confidently putting a name to them.

 Distinctive primary pattern. Black almost complete across P4 and small black spot on P 3.

Baltic of course are always on the menu. The 3 ages of Elvis here.

This is the time juv gulls start to make their appearance. Black Headed are always the first to arrive. A few dozen were loafing around, with hundreds of adults. Numbers will increase as juvs leave the breeding lakes.

Black Headed Gull - Juvenile. Beautiful things which we tend to take for granted.

I found this bird interesting, but heat haze and his persistence at remaining on the roof of this foul smell cesspool building (incredible to see trucks pulling up and dumping semi liquid stuff) made things difficult.

That snouty, long bill, what appeared to be plain, retained greater covs, plain tertials, one or two interesting but tatty 2nd gen feathers in the mantle, and those fresh median covs coming through, all made me think Casp, but I couldn't take it any further. It did a disappearing act whilst I was messing with settings on my camera app. Ah well.


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