
Spring has come. We have detected this by pretty miserable weather over the past few weeks, but mostly by the obvious signs from birds.

Woodpigeon and Stock Doves migrating back. Goshawks displaying. Passerines singing. And my favorite, Owls hooting.

We have been enjoying Tawny Owls on our evening dog walks and even sitting out grilling on an open fire sussing out the various territorial contenders.

Our bay in the lake appears to have 2 male Tawny and at least one Kewicking female, whilst our walking route has at least one Tawny and a singing Pygmy Owl.

On Saturday came blue skies and glorious weather and it was time to get out into the countryside.
We headed for Inkoo in the hopes of some early migrant Skylarks or Rooks. No luck yet with either of these, however we did come across an obviously paired up couple of White Tailed Eagle.

Ah love.

Sunday I managed a few hours around Saltis area, and exploring the Rilax (don't do it) road. Here I encountered my first Black Grouse of the year, some distant displaying Goshawk and various Woodpeckers drumming, though fog made things difficult.

A migrating Skylark calling over Saltfjarden was the best of the migrants.

Returning home, I picked up our local Pygmy Owl singing in broad daylight. A sure sign of Spring.

Can't get enough of these incredible little birds.

Hello Ladies.

Not my first time encountering a Pygmy singing during the day, though it is still unusual. 
We have yet to hear either of the territorial Pygmy owls that were singing last spring from our garden, but will hopefully pop up soon in what is prime habitat. Hopefully I will be able to pin down a few breeding sites as the year goes on.


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