Dreaming Of A White-Backed Christmas

It's been a pretty good winter for Woodpeckers. As with all things, you see cycles and ups and downs, and whilst nothing along the lines of the mega influx a few years back, where hundreds were recorded in southern Finland, a dozen or more White-Backed Woodpeckers around the capital is nothing to be sniffed at. There have been two at my old patch of Laajalahti, both of which I've seen over the past few weeks, however these have often been very high up in the old growth trees. A couple more present at Laurinlahti were present, closer to home, in a smaller section of woodland with lower trees for guaranteed better viewing, so I spent a bit of time here. It didn't take me long to connect with this charming female, as she booted a Great Spotted off the feeder and dominated the area for several minutes. White-Backed Woodpecker - female - My favourite Woodpecker species. A beautiful combination of black, white and a more subdued red than Great Spotted. ...