Ascent of the...uh...Accentors
Shameless jumping on the bandwagon here, but I am reminded that this time last year we were looking at that mind boggling influx of Siberian Accentor into Europe, of which Finland had a lion's share.
I got in on the action a couple of days late, when 2-3 birds showed up outside the lab. It would have been rude not to, like.
This was a particularly fine way to get a lifer, in somewhat "natural" habitat, considering that many of these birds showed up in less than appealing dumps, wasteground and, if you're British, skips.
didn't end with these couple of birds for me either, others showed up
around the city, several of which I connected with, including one just a
few hundred meters from our home, and one which was keeping company
with a far rarer Black Throated Accentor.
if the sheer influx of the Sibes wasn't enough, I had managed to see
both vagrant accentors in the space of a week, including both species
A Siberian Accentor was reported here just the other day. Anyone for round two?
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