Finnish Focus On... Pygmy Owl

Owls. Is there any more stunning family of birds? I think not. Their variety, appearance and, more often than not, mysterious nocturnal nature make them highly desired by birders. If you ask anyone shelling out a few grand for an organized Lapland trip "What birds do you most want to see in Finland?" 99% will answer with the owls. They are simply the dogs bollix. Pygmy Owl, for me anyway, ranks high on the list of Europe's best Owls. These "grump-tards", as I call them with much affection, are by far the easiest owl to see here, a factor of both their abundance and their often diurnal habits. They never look happy, always looking utterly pissed off with their situation, which I feel only adds to their charm. In fairness, their expression is understandable. They get no peace. Despite their small size they are formidable hunters, often taking birds much larger than themselves. Consequently, when discovered by any r...