New scop-age

A quick trip down to Maarintorni this evening, prompted by the arrival of my new Swarovski scope. Affluence.
Absolutely delighted with it. But as with any new scope, it's important that the first bird you see with it is of respectable quality.
You have to resist that temptation to start using it straight away. I wasn't gonna waste my first views on the Common Gulls on the neighbour's roof. Nor on the tree sparrows in the garden. Not even on the Goshawk soaring overhead.
No no. There's Broad-Billed Sandpipers on patch. That was the place to go.
I walked with Kuura from the house. I didn't bother with the Barnacle geese or wigeon in the park.
I resisted the Wood warblers, pied flys, Thrush Gales and Icterine warblers en route.
I did stop to listen for a River warbler that had been singing over the weekend, thinking that could be a classy bird, but it had moved on.
So I made it to the tower and there was a nice flock of 14 Broad-Billed Sandpipers in the pool before me.

What stunners. And what amazing views.
Also on patch this evening was a distant, sleepy Great White Egret, a couple of Cranes and a singing Savi's warbler, which was a patch tick.
All in all an enjoyable evening.
Great White Egret
Common Cranes


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