
Juhannus. Mid-summer. It's a big thing in Finland. Long weekend, bonfires, barbecues. It's a weekend we usually spend at our other mökki, north west of Tampere. And usually the weather is awful. Finnish mid-summer is notoriously wet or cold or both. This weekend the forecast was for wet. We set off Thursday evening and arrived to the late night sounds of Corncrake, Curlew and Common Crane, this mökki being in more grassland habitat. Midnight sun - Crex crex Meadows the likes of which are a long forgotten memory in potatoland. Full of Corncrakes and Curlew. I remember old fogies telling me tales of Corncrakes in Ireland in days gone by, and not being able to sleep because of the noise of them. I got by OK, but I do love that night time atmosphere they bring. Friday morning the weather seemed OK and I took the chance to nip down to Tampere dump, which has always been good in my experience. It wasn't open, but unlike many other dumps it s...