Return of the Hack

Sooooo....I'm back blogging, after much prodding by my soon to be wife (fingers crossed, she hasn't backed out yet) I've decided to tell anyone who may want to read my ramblings, all about birding in Finland and specifically in around the Helsinki area.

My birding has changed significantly over the past few years as I have (tried to) adapt to, not only the multitude of different species and habitats I encounter here in Finland, but the completely different style of birding that goes on here.

Perhaps the biggest change for me here is... I'm not really trying to find rarities.

(Pauses for shocked gasps and Father Ted-esque "Fookin 'ells")

The reason for this is simple and obvious. What is considered a rarity and a good bird back home in good old potatoland (That's Ireland for those who don't know) is not necessarily of interest here in bogland (Suomi is believed to derive from the Finnish for "Bog-land), and vice versa.

Some examples of this? Well...I will be damned if I am going to spend my time on one of Finland's many, many...oh so many islands hoping to see a Gannet (less than 60 records). 

I haven't brought myself to twitch a Kittiwake ( a regular rarity but still).

I'm not twitching European Stonechat...don't be silly.

Etc. etc. etc. 

The list goes on. If I were to find a Ring-billed Gull tomorrow (and I am looking) it would be a long awaited 1st for Finland.

Instead I now watch, quite literally, what is on my doorstep. Some of my best rarities that I have found so far, have been from the balcony of our home. Did I mention we live directly under a well known Raptor fly-way? Funny how that happens.

I also happen to live just a couple of kilometers from my patch, Laajalahti, one of the best locations in the capital area, with a great combination of woodland, wetland and migrating species, many of which an Irish birder would sell his granny's liver to find back in spudville.

But more on that later.


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