What's good for the goose...

More geese today in snowy conditions, primarily Tundra Bean Geese and Russian Whitefronted Geese with a couple of Pink Footed geese thrown in. Pink feet are, after Lesser Whitefronted, the rarest of the grey geese, but reasonably regular. Still always nice to see. Let's take a moment of silence to pity these poor honkers in that weather. I realize they've been dealing with, likely worse, for millenia, but still... Pink Footed Goose The variation in both species of Bean Goose, as I said before, is immense and it's always good to take stock of birds in a flock if you can take the time. Tundra Bean Goose A pretty standard Tundra Bean, perhaps a bit more colour in the bill than the classic field guide depiction, but the shape is pretty on target, short, deep based and scowly. The neck is short and the forehead high, lending a square shape. Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit, Run Run Run. Photo-bombed Tundra Bean Goose. The deep based bill, particu...