Super Sociable

Upon return to Finland, I had my eye on what is most likely a returning Sociable Plover in Loviisa, now in a spectacular full summer plumage. 

I left unfortunately a bit late on the morning I ran down. About 20 mins from the site news came through that the bird had been looked for all morning without success. Not the best thing to hear. I carried on regardless, arrived at the location, and immediately picked it up with bins at the back of a ploughed field.

Sociable Plover - fantastic!

The bird gave good views for about 5 minutes (though it was a bit hazy), before the flock suddenly took flight and headed south. 

After about an hour, I relocated the bird in a huge flock of Lapwing, but it wasn't as showy as the previous location. Eventually the birds all lifted again and headed back north, but this time I couldn't relocate them. 

A 2CY male Montagu's Harrier spent a few days on the local patch of Saltfjarden.

Montagu's Harrier 

The bird gave good scope views as it quartered the area but didn't play ball for good video or shots in the heat haze.

Also in the area were a couple of obliging Honey Buzzards. 

Honey Buzzard

Yellow Wagtail - Saltfjarden always a good site for these gems.

A Goshawk was also hunting corvids from the car park copse, eventually taking a young jackdaw. 

Goshawk - look at that wing structure!

The garden has been doing well , with a fresh flush of breeder's, including a Redstart pair taking up territory in one of our nest boxes. 

Common Redstart - if you were drawing up a list of 10 most gorgeous birds in Europe, surely Redstart would be on it. 

Grey-Headed Woodpecker 

My Grey-Headed Woodpecker family also successfully fledged which I was delighted with. Incredible to have birds like this so close by. 


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