Gotta Cach Em All

I like to think of myself as on a journey. A gull journey.

Many years ago, checking Youghal dump for White Wingers, I was confronted with what I now know was a first winter American Herring Gull. At the time I didn't have the confidence to call it. 

Being a proponent of self found lists, I realized that my ambivalence to the large gull group (winged rats) was now preventing me from filling notable gaps in that list and set about the task of familiarising myself with them in greater detail. 

With American Herring Gull it was fairly easy, the following November I found another 1st winter at Baltimore fish factory, and continued to find them over the years, in both 1st and 2nd winter plumages.

With Caspian the task was more difficult. Ireland has a shortage of them. And whilst I have managed a couple of Adults there over the years, other plumages were in short supply.

Moving to Finland, the chance to find Caspian Gull more regularly and in more plumages became a real possibility, and then a reality.

My Caspian odyssey began, first with fresh Juveniles, then 1st winters, 2nd winters, 3rd winter and now this beauty.

A recent trip to Tarastenjärvi resulted in finding this 3CY bird. 3CY birds in Summer are poorly represented in books and in image catalogues it has to be said. Of those images you can find online, the variation is immense.

I picked this bird up sitting on a trash pile with a Baltic Gull. Something just struck me in terms of structure, even head on.

Something about the neck, head and chest ratios attracted my attention. The dark eye, whilst obviously good for Caspian, is extremely common in Herring Gull in Finland.

Luckily the bird took flight and I managed a few shots. Note the small mirror on the 2nd gen P10. P5 is new, with a complete bar. 

Good Caspian bill structure.

Nice clean underwing.

Quite pleased with this all in all. Next on the target list? 4CY and Adult birds. Bring em on. 


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