2018 Review

Another busy year put down in the book.

It started out with a cold January and a visit from Ireland by two of Ireland's up an coming birders, nicknamed the "Sorry Brian" tour

It was very successful, with the lads racking up a fine selection of ticks, including Rough Legged Buzzard, White Backed Woodpecker, Eastern Black Redstart, Hawk Owl, and cream of the crop, Great Grey Owl.

The undoubted highlight for the start of the year for me came in the form of a self found Pine Bunting

Pine Bunting - Jussi Murtosaari

The bird was the 12th record for Finland and sparked a large twitch, with many people connecting with it over it's week stay.

This was quickly followed with us purchasing our own home in Kirkkonummi and moving to the country.

The task of building a new garden list began in earnest as we awaited the next big milestone, the birth of our daughter, but we took the time to take a short break in Estonia enjoying the Arctic migration.

In June our beautiful girl, Lyra, arrived and life took on a different pace, giving us our undoubted highlight of the year. Lyra took to birding and the outdoors like a duck to water. 

The grandparents made a necessary visit, of course, and we managed to get grand da a tick in the form of a superb Eagle Owl.

As the Autumn approached, I began a spree of finding Caspian Gulls, having my best ever year both in terms of numbers and finding my own birds.

We also had a good autumn for migrating Pallid Harriers, with many birds being available just minutes from our new home.

In October we took Lyra on her first visit to Ireland for a combination of meeting friends and family and a few days birding in Cork.

This was a really enjoyable trip, even allowing for a few days staying down on my beloved Mizen and finding a few rarities. So far, of only 7 visits home over the past 5 years, I've managed to find rarities on 6 of those visits, often more than one, keeping the average per trip high, a trend I hope to continue.

On return, we were lucky to be in perfect position for a Stejnegers Stonechat 10 minutes walk from the in laws.

As well as another Caspian Gull

Father's day rolled around and held a surprise lifer in store, in the form of a stunning Lesser Whitefronted Goose.

As the winter set in, the Hawk Owls popped up, with a couple in close proximity to us making for convenient owlage.

Our first Christmas with Lyra has been perfection, as we enjoy her growing sophistication and behavior, and family time around our home as we approach our first New year's here.

Here's to an equally happy 2019.


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