A bit more mig-age - Marsh Sandpiper

Back on Maarintorni today, in the hope that there would be a bit more movement. The wind hadn't shifted to the south as promised, but there was still a bit more to be seen than yesterday.

A couple of Hobby we're constantly displaying around the bay, carefully watched by the first Swifts and Sand Martins of the year.

Waders had again bumped up in numbers, most obviously in the case of a Marsh Sandpiper on the mud, keeping company with Greenshanks, dozens of Wood Sandpiper, Ruff and 15 or so full Summer Spotted Redshank (stunning birds).

Marsh Sandpiper is a rare breeder and migrant in Finland, always nice to see, but won't exactly get the heart racing here. Personally I prefer them in Juv plumage when they start popping up in August.

Marsh Sandpiper - One of two in the area today. A decent bird in Finland, but a lot more regular than Potatoland
Day flying large migrants were sadly in short supply, though a single Black Kite, another regular scarce/rarity was a welcome year tick. I've now seen a fair few Black Kite on patch, but it remains a bogey for my garden list, and easily the commonest raptor I have yet to see from home.

Other than a single female Hen Harrier migrating, and a resident male Marsh Harrier, raptors were in very low numbers, so I called time of death early. My instinct was to go search for fresh in passerine migrants, but with things to do this evening, I decided against it. This was probably a mistake, as I see news of the first Thrush Nightengales in singing. But they will be everywhere in a couple of days.

A pretty decent weekend all in all. 2 White Stork, Black Kite and Marsh Sandpiper. No complaints.
