Another Week, Another Caspian

It's been a hectic Summer, so hectic that I haven't made it up to the Summer house at Hämeenkyrö...until this weekend. With my success of finding a juv Caspian Gull last week at Lohja, I was keen to get down to Tarastenjärvi to check there. Between years, you can just never tell what these waste center companies will be up to at their sites. Will there even be gulls there at all. I had seen no reports of any gulls all year from this location. Maybe they had sterilized the place like other dumps. Luckily, though there had been changes to the site, they were all positive changes with good Gull numbers present. Barely 2 minutes parked overlooking the trash pile and I picked up a beauty of a juv. Caspian. The pick up - spotting the Casp at distance. Caspian Gull - already beautifully pale I rolled down the drive to the bottom of the trash pile for close up views. The EV was great for this have to say. Completely silent running. Edit: Interestingly this Caspian Gull, found on the...