Estonia '22

Our annual spring trip to Estonia was taken a bit earlier this year, (taking advantage of Easter timing). We headed off on Wednesday 13th enjoying the flocks of seaduck and quite a few Black Guillemot as we left Helsinki. Black Guillemot is the only auk here, and one I only took the time to see a couple of years back, so it was interesting to see double figures on this trip. We arrived at our accommodation Wednesday afternoon, and immediately began exploring and scanning the sky from the patio. Luxury digs Within minutes we had a rarity over our heads in the form of a cracking Red Kite. Red Kite - these are rare but increasing in Estonia. Other good birds included Rough-Legged Buzzard, Hen Harrier and our first Lesser-Spotted Eagle of the trip. Hen Harrier The next morning we set off for Haapsalu, which was absolutely chock-a-block with wildfowl, including hundreds of Smew and Greater Scaup. Other good birds included several Great White Egrets, numerous Haw...