Books Do Furnish A Life...And A Birder

The recent publication from Richard Dawkins and some activity on books on birding Twitter got me thinking about the books that make a birder ,and in particular, this birder. I started out with truly awful books. Dusty, faded things, accumulated by my dad over decades of casual second hand browsing. Observer's book of birds. Heritage trust guides (individual guides, split by habitat, woodland, farmland, seaside etc). Various birds of the world type titles. Most of very little use, generally British and generally lacking information. It's because of books like this I walked the dunes at curracloe thinking I might find a Red-Backed Shrike, or through the Raven looking for breeding Hobby. Awful books. As I began to advance, this changed, and one of the first books to really alter and inform my view of birds and birding was Lars Jonsson's birds of Europe. There's been many covers over the years, but that Eagle Owl still gets me every time. This book exposed me to a wider wo...