Birthday Beans

Over the past week there's been a big uptick in the number of Spring migrants coming in to the country. In Finland, the vast majority of species are migratory by necessity. Few birds can tolerate the cold, especially the kind of cold we've had this past Winter and these tend to be the forest species that take shelter in woodland and make use of garden feeders. And so the same feeling you get as a birder further south, seeing those first swallows and wheatears returning, applies equally for us here with those first Starlings, Skylarks and Woodpigeons which suddenly appear in March. Woodpigeons going over the house. March Viz-mig at it's finest. Last weekend we took advantage of the first wave of birds, feeling sorry for them being forced to deal with fields still covered with snow. A quick family trip to Degerby produced Stock Doves, multiple Common Buzzard (including a good Steppe Buzzard candidate), takes of Skylark, Lapwing and a flock of some 30+ Snow Bunting. Star of...