Review - Flight Identification Of European Passerines And Select Land birds - by Tomasz Cofta

I recently purchased the above, as visible migration has become such a core part of my birding. After a significant level of brexit related hassle, I finally got my supposed 3-5 day delivery from NHBS...over four weeks later. Seems UPS (their delivery service of choice) basically have had a continent-wide meltdown post brexit with various customs and software issues. Thanks Brexit-land... As with most books I find in my lap, I began devouring it immediately. The introductory text hooks you straight away. There is a sort of inspirational pragmatism to it that I find exceptionally appealing, almost abandoning the accepted convention that only by a thorough and complete assessment of all plumage features can any bird be identified, in favour of an unspoken reality. That reality being that we identify flyover passerines all the time. How often have you been on a headland and had some finch or pipit go over, silently? You might not see mantle striping, or bill colour or wing bars or whatev...