The Natural History of Cape Clear 1959 – 2019 - A Review

I was delighted to hear of the endeavour of Steve Wing to write and publish a new book on the natural history of Cape Clear. Cape Clear – Holy Ground The Chief Author, Steve Wing – Doing his thing. Receiving a mass email from Steve looking to promote the book, I asked if I could review it in advance, publishing the review to the Irish Rare and Scarce Birding Group as I had done for various other publications over the past couple of years. Steve kindly obliged, providing me with an electronic draft. I delved straight in. Like most Irish birders, I love Cape. I have done ever since my very first visit in 1999, when myself and my old friend Ciarán Smyth stayed on the island for a week of August seawatching, in what seems now to have been an opportune period in the last heydays of Cape seawatching from the legendary Blannan. 80’s vibe on Blannan The book begins with an introduction and guide to the island, specifically for birders, invaluable for any new...