Covid Catch Up

It's been a busy time in quarantine. Working from home arguably gives you less time, especially when you have a 2 year old destroying the place. After my last posting, we continued at the cabin for a few days. A nearby waterfowl site was productive, where we stumbled on 4 Bewick's Swans and a Pink Footed goose. We hadn't known these where present, and only checking Tiira subsequently did we learn there had been a Pink Foot days previously, and only two Bewick's, so decent birds to trip over, both being scarce. Bewick's/Whooper comparison Pink Footed Goose - with Bewick's in the background. Bewick's Swan Not quite mirror image. Bewick's Swan - always smiley Pink Footed Goose Pink Footed Goose Whooper Swan Tundra Bean Geese, as always, were very obliging. We have been actively pursuing our covid/lockdown list over the past month, now having ...