Pihabongaus 2020

The Big Garden Birdwatch came around again and my garden rose to the challenge. Couldn't have asked for better weather. Blue skies, beautiful light and on the cold side, meaning feeders were active. The hour started out well with a 2nd Cal White-Tailed Eagle chasing a Mute Swan at the far side of the lake. Several Goosander were present along with a couple of Goldeneye, Red Breasted Merganser and a single male Smew. The usual party of Great Spotted Woodpecker put on a good show, with two birds drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker - 4K video. Select highest resolution in YouTube. Other decent birds in the hour included Robin (always scarce in Winter but our garden has one or two every year), Willow Tit, a flock of Northern Long Tailed Tit, Goshawk and a calling Black Woodpecker. Tree Sparrow Yellowhammer Siskin Notable absentees included Whooper Swan (herself had two in the bay ...