The Lynx Effect

Last Father's day I received a fantastic gift "from my daughter". One of those gifts which I have a sneaking suspicion is just as much for my wife as myself. 😁 After sourcing all the necessary materials to get it functioning, we set it up overlooking the feeders. Whilst not massively impressive tech in regards to image quality, it has been very interesting to know what goes on during the night at our feeding station. White-Tailed Deer have been raiding the feeders at night. We've even seen them tipping one of the feeders to knock peanuts to the ground. Plenty of Hares coming in for the oats. One of the 3 local cats. Getting the camera to do what we want is complex with the myriad of settings available, and consequently we have been experimenting a lot. The camera paid off massively in the wee hours of Saturday morning. At 01.33 this Hare triggered the camera, feeding on spilled sun flower seeds and grai...