Fever Pitch

The illness theme continues as this past weekend saw the dreaded Flu of Man descend upon me. Saturday was fairly miserable weather-wise and was mostly a write off save for a couple of hours in the afternoon where it was dry. Desperate for some fresh air, and with errands to run any way, I opted for an afternoon stroll through an area where it just so happened there was a Great Snipe, which I managed to bag, along with Jack Snipe and Common Snipe. I then continued my stroll around Suomenoja, where the scrubby building area produced two skulky Bluethroat, a plethora of migrant Chiffchaff and Blackcap and another Jack Snipe on the pools. Sunday was a beautiful day, so still afflicted, I opted for Saltfjarden. It is prime Rough Legged Buzzard migration time now and I managed to see some 30 birds over the course of the morning between here and Sunds. Saltfjarden - prime migrant habitat now. Numerous White Tailed Eagle were also evident with about 20...