Christmas Crackers

I've always enjoyed Christmas day birding. In Ireland this used to involve a few hours mooching around north Dublin, a good way to work up an appetite for the crimbo dindins, but only rarely with birds of note. In Finland, Christmas day is still a birding staple for me, but with the dinner and family stuff mostly done on Christmas Eve, we have the full day to enjoy birds that would send a dub into a rabid twitching frenzy. It was a beautiful morning and the sunrise was stunning. We took off for our regular Nutcracker spot, but a roadside Hawk Owl stopped us in our tracks. The bird seemed settled and we had to come back by this spot later, so we carried on to the Nutcrackers. There was no waiting as we pulled up, with plenty of birds feeding up in Sub-Zero temperatures. Nutcrackers - Stunning birds. The usual suspects were also present, Willow Tit, Crested Tit and Great Spo...