Finnish Focus On...Common Crane

Dinosaurs. They do exist. Common Crane is one of those species which epitomizes Finland, both visually and vocally. On my first visit to Finland, in summer, over 5 years ago, the sound of this species captivated me. Long summer evenings, spent enjoying good food, sauna and swimming, and listening to these beasts, Kruuurking and echoing over the forests. Everything about this species is amazing, from their size and presence, to their migratory ability, and I have often enjoyed visiting various staging grounds throughout Europe over the years, encountering massive flocks as the move over they course of the year. Spring is when we appreciate Cranes most I think. After a long winter, they come as a breath of fresh air, and there is a massive rush when you come across that first one in March, stood in a snowy field wondering what the hell it's doing here. Baby Cranes are a real treat in mid summer, giant or...