
The breeding season is drawing to a close. On patch this means waders, particularly juv waders, and you gotta have love for the juvs. The weekend was particularly notable for a good number of Green Sandpipers in among all the juv Wood Sandpipers. Wood and Green Sandpiper combo Juvenile Spotted Redshanks, a cracking plumage of wader if you ask me, were also present. Other decent birds, such as Temmincks stints put on a good showing as well, as did a single Bar-Tailed Godwit. Temminck's Stint Bar-Tailed Godwit Other nice juvs on patch included some nice bearded reedlings (scarce here), juv Marsh Harriers, all dark chocolate and orange, juv common gulls looking very crisp, and other juv waders such as Ruff. Common Gull Juv Ruff Feck off, you! Some Adult Curlew Sandpipers also showed well. For me, however, sta...