
Showing posts from September, 2024

A Field Guide To Birders - 2nd Edition

Long ago, when I had the Cork-Dudeing Blog active, I wrote a field guide to the various types of birders out there.  I felt it was time to republish it, including some new entries for modern times. It was an extremely popular posting back in the day. Here's hoping people find the new version equally enjoyable. 😉 It's meant to be tongue in cheek, so try and take it as such. Whilst these encapsulate definite personality/character trends out there in birding, of course, some people can fit into more than one category. The Super Hero   The Super Hero is a rare bird finder without equal. They know their stuff. Work their arses off. Put themselves in the right locations at the right times of the year and produce the goods, time and again.  Ends their super-human birding day with a cool pint before flying above the earth and smiling for the camera. Up, up and away. The Jedi Master The Jedi Master makes the singular effort to live out in some far flung location, like Obi-Wan Kenobi in